(217) 593-7095
1926 HWY 94 N
Camp Point, IL 62320
Sunday Schedule
- 9:00 am – Sunday School
- 10:00 am – Morning Worship
- 6:00 pm – Kidz4Truth, Teenz4Truth, Adult Bible Study (September-May)
Welcome To Faith Baptist
Welcome To
Faith Baptist
Faith Baptist Church is a church where you and your family can learn, grow, and serve. We are a Bible-based, family-oriented, and multi-generational church. We are Bible-based because the Bible has the answers to our questions, the solutions to our problems, and the instructions we need to live lives that are meaningful and joyful. We are family-oriented because the family is the God-ordained foundation of our society. Strong families will produce a better society. We are multi-generational because we want to minister to all age groups, and we believe that all age groups can learn from one another.
We believe and teach that eternal life is found not in works or “religion,” but in a personal relationship with God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our mission as a church is to help people CONNECT in four ways: 1) Connect to God through the Gospel and through meaningful worship of God. 2) Connect to God’s Word through faithful Bible teaching and preaching. 3) Connect to one another through discipleship, serving, and fellowship. 4) Connect to the world through evangelism and missions. As we “connect,” we grow to become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:14-15).
![Faith Baptist Church Logo Faith Baptist Church Logo](https://fbcamppoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Faith-Baptist-Church-640x310-1.jpg)
Faith Baptist Church is an independent Baptist Church in fellowship with the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (www.garbc.org) and the Illinois-Missouri Association of Regular Baptist Churches (www.ilmoarbc.org).
What We Believe
The New Testament local church is God’s basic institution for the fellowship and ministry of the gospel today. The two ordinances of the church are baptism (by immersion) and the Lord’s Supper (a memorial of His death) (Romans 6:3-5; 1 Corinthians 11:23-34).
For an expanded doctrinal statement and what it means to be a Baptist see “Articles of Faith” and “Baptist Distinctives” at garbc.org.
To learn more about a relationship with Jesus Christ and going to Heaven, click HERE.
Our Pastor
Pastor Tom Robbins and his wife, Sandy, have ministered at Faith Baptist Church of Camp Point since 1991. Pastor Robbins trusted Jesus as his personal Savior at a young age and trained for pastoral ministry at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in Ankeny, Iowa, graduating with a B.A. (1982) and M.A. (1984). The Robbins served a church in Iowa for six years before coming to Camp Point. Pastor Robbins’ ministry philosophy is simple: Preach the Word and Love the People!
Pastor Tom & Sandy were married in 1983 and God has blessed them with two married children and four grandchildren.
![Pastor Tom Robbins & Sandy Robbins Faith Baptist Camp Point - Pastor Tom Robbins](https://fbcamppoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ROBBINS-TOM-29.jpg)
Verse of the Day
Verse of
the Day
Ministry Opportunities
Sunday School (9 am – Sunday)
A time of systematic, Bible instruction with classes for all ages.
Morning Worship (10 am – Sunday)
A time to worship God through music, prayer, Scripture reading, and Bible teaching.
Kidz4Truth (6 pm – Sunday, Sept-May)
A fun time of Bible teaching, singing, games, crafts, and snacks for children 3 years through 5th grade.
Teenz4Truth (6 pm – Sunday, Sept-May)
A time of informal Bible teaching & fellowship for youth in 6th-12th grades.
Adult Bible Study (6 pm – Sunday, Sept-May)
A time of informal Bible study and discussion primarily based on the Scripture/topic of the morning message.
Ladies of Faith
Bible study & fellowship opportunities including an annual fall Ladies Retreat.
Men’s Breakfast
An informal time of fellowship and discipleship meeting at 7:00 am the third Saturday of each month.
All-Church Fellowship Activities
Camp Manitoumi
Summer Bible camp and retreat ministry for children, youth, and adults (www.manitoumi.com).